Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can I Get Your Autograph, Please?

Vince is graduating highschool next month, and is so eager to be done with school and take some time off. His mom has been begging him for months to take senior pictures, but he has been dragging his feet, thinking of how miserable they were going to be. As soon as I met him he told me how uncomfortable he was in front of the camera and hated having his picture taken. I have no clue why! He takes AMAZING photographs!

Right after taking the first picture of him I couldn't believe how photogenic he was. As our time together went on, we walked around downtown and began talking about his life. His mom told me when he was younger he had his picture submitted to a magazine and it was published! I was like, "Umm, ya! I can totally see why!" He kept saying how awkward he felt and how much he hated photos, but he doesn't realize how easy he has it. All he has to do is stand there and the picture is incredible.

I wanted to ask him for his autograph in case after our session he realized how much he liked taking pictures and decided to pursue modeling, because I know he would be the next big sensation!

So Vince...a word of advice...if you decide there is no career you really want to do for the rest of your life...try out modeling (but don't forget to give me your autograph before you get to the big league)! I think I deserve it since I showed you how easy it is for you 8-)

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