Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Freezing The Moment"

People always tell you to enjoy every second of your child because they grow up to fast and it's only a heartbeat away before you will wish they were that age again. When you are in the moment it may not feel like it is flying by, but as you look back you realize how quickly 6 months, one year, 5 years,....came and went. I never wanted to forget my kids as babies, toddlers, first days of school, but even with my great memory I find that I have forgotten certain special things about them. Like the way their giggle sounded at two years old or how big of a grin they would get when I would show them the slightest attention at 6 months old. I thank God everyday that my camera has allowed me to freeze some of these memories for forever. My most treasured possessions in life is my pictures. I have always told people if there was a fire and I could only save one thing (besides my family and pets) I would save my pictures. Pictures tell everything about that moment and the memories that were created.

Clayton knows how important pictures are and took full advantage of having a camera in his hand to save this important milestone in his and sister's life. He is getting ready to turn two, and is full of life. I have had the pleasure of taking his pictures for the last year or so and I definitely saw him come to life at this session. He has always been a total cutie, but this time I could really see his personality shine. He loved being my little helper and mimicking me taking pictures. What I loved most though, is the way his sister's face lit up everytime he looked her way!

Grace just turned 6 months old and is full of smiles. She is so aware of her surroundings and is completely in love with Clayton. You can tell she can't wait to figure out how to get her legs moving so she can be up running around after her big brother. The admiration Grace has for Clayton is one of the small things that we tend to forget all to quick, and these are the moments I love to freeze.

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