The first kick the dad can feel,
The first movement you watch roll across your belly,
The feeling you first feel the moment you give birth,
The love you have before you even meet!
Pregnancy is probably by far the most amazing thing a woman can ever go through. There are so many pivotal moments during the 9 1/2 months a mother carries the special creation that only her and the father could create. For Amanda and Matt they are soaking up every minute. They both are so excited to finally meet their first child together.
Matt and Amanda's session was a blast! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them, and hearing the excitement they have for someone they have yet to meet. They both are just so anxious. Amanda was a little nervous at the beginning of our time together that Matt wouldn't enjoy pictures and wouldn't behave himself, but Matt was more than a trooper. He told me he was a team player and was happy to do everything I asked of him. He kept a smile on his face and a warming presence surrounding him our entire time together. Amanda was a true natural in front of the camera, but honestly I didn't think it would be anything less considering she has Lacey, the picture queen, as a best friend. They both were absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to meet their new precious little girl. Soak up every minute of pregnancy you guys because once she comes your whole life will change!
I think this moment screams hot mama!

Amanda and Lacey are BFF's for life. Lacey, that was the sweetest thing ever to pay for Amanda's session; she is one very lucky girl to have such a great friend!

Belly comparison! Now it's Amanda's turn to feel huge and Lacey gets to suck in all the skinniness ;)

Congratulations Matt and Amanda! I look forward to meeting your new beautiful girl!