Brycen’s breath was taken away as Christine appeared in the doorway. As she began walking down the aisle, he could not contain the overwhelming happiness that filled his body. Today was the day he was finally taking a vow to love, honor, and devote his life to the one woman that has changed his world entirely. Finally Brycen was not only going to be able to call Christine his best friend, but also his wife! Words he has longed to say his whole life; words that rolled off his tongue perfectly. The two of them stood at the altar, while their closest family and friends watched in the background, as they promised to love each other unconditionally from this day forward.
The day was full of wedded bliss as Brycen and Christine celebrated their union with meaningful toasts, delicious cake, and even a special performance from “Brycen and the Rockers”, but most importantly they relished in the moment of their two lives becoming one.
Christine and Brycen, from the moment I first met the two of you I knew the love you shared was so special, warm, and genuine…but I had no idea how fabulous your family, friends, and day would be. I am so thankful to have had the pleasure of documenting the harmonious love the two of you share. I hope you enjoyed every minute of your honeymoon and wish you nothing more than a lifetime full of laughs, love, and complete endearment.