My mom made me all kinds of cool accessories for my birthday pictures and I love all of them, especially my adorable headband. Don't you think my mommy is so creative?

This is my big brother Clayton. He has a smile worth a million dollars.

He takes such good care of me and shows me lots of love. My mom told him if he gave me lots of kisses today she would let him eat his lollipop. I hope he listens to mommy because I love his kisses.

Even when I get upset my big brother always finds a way to cheer me up.

Like making all his silly faces! My favorite face is his scary monster face. It always makes me feel much better.

And those faces always make me laugh and brighten my day!

I hope one day I am as good as he is at smiling for the camera. He knows exactly what to do every single time.

And he loves to share with me. I don't know very many big brothers that will let me have licks on their lollipops.

Mmm.....that was really yummy!

Look at my new boots I got to wear for pictures. They are a little big on me so I prefer to just carry them around, but I sure do love them!

Isn't my brother's smile the best?

Well, I better get going. I need to get ready for my big birthday party. I hoped you enjoyed meeting me and my awesome big brother.