This family was so much fun. The kids instantly showed me what characters they were and had all sorts of fun ideas for me. The kids even got their parents to participate in a few silly face photos by the end of the session. When I go into a session I try to think of ways to make the session fun and bring out the family's personal connections between each other, and when I get families like the Napiers and Etcheverrys my job is super easy and reminds me why I love my job so much!

It only took about ten minutes before the personality started to surface . . .

Luke, the youngest kept begging me to take pictures of just his parents alone. I couldn't figure out why until I finally gave in and told them it was a parents only picture . . . the kids had been planning a photo bomb! It cracked me up! I love that they felt comfortable enough with me to goof around with me!

I asked the boys what they wanted to write on their board after they tied their sister up and they both yelled stinky sister for sale. After Stephany wrote that for them, Jimmy had to add in 1 cent, cracked me up!

Right before the end of the appointment, Caroline reminded me that when I took her cousin's pictures I had fake snow for them to blow, so of course I had to have some for Caroline and her brothers also! It was such a fun way to end our time together! Thanks for the amazing evening guys!

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