I have spent the last three years getting to know one of the most amazing kids I have ever met. Each year the growth this little guy has is one of the most amazing things I have watched, aside from my own kids growth. Since day one of meeting Miles he has been a kid that has shown me my true passion for kids. I never thought of myself as a "kid person" but each year the one day I get to spend interacting with him proves my disbelief. He seriously is one of the most inspiring kids I have ever been around. I could never say what the true inspiration he gives me is, all I can say is I walk away from my time spent with him thinking he is going to be someone amazing one day. I had a quote in mind when I was beginning to write this post but came across the above quote. Granted it probably doesn't fit the session in most people's eyes, but in mine, it fits perfectly. Every word is something Miles has inspired me to do, and so I only see fit to call him a leader!
Miles, at least during the short time I get to spend with him each year, seems to be a thinker; a serious little boy. He has always made me work my tail off for that one smile I receive each year, but I always get one and every year there is a stronger pull to see how truly amazing this little guy is. Well this year was the most amazing for me; not only did I get a handful of smiles I also received a hug and he held my hand each time we walked to a new spot. Can I just say this melted my heart! To watch Miles transform each year is one of the biggest blessings I have ever known. This session was by far the most rewarding session I have ever had! To finally gain trust from a child is so fulfilling and I can't thank Miles enough for giving me that satisfaction!
Since Miles is turning three I thought it would be fun to add a picture from each of his past sessions. He is transforming right before my eyes, and growing into a very happy fun filled full of life little boy and I feel honored to know him and his amazing parents!

Are his blonde locks not the most adorable thing you have ever seen?