Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bakersfield Kids Portraits: Reyes Kids

I have known this family since Chris and Niki got married in 2011. Since then they have been in a whirlwind of having some absolutely adorable little boys. I have had the pleasure of watching them grow over the last few years and developing a very informative relationship with their daughter Jaden. All 3 of their kids are such a delight to be around.

I love everything about Jaden. She tells me stories upon stories every time I see her and always helps me get her brothers to smile. She is so sweet and a total joy to listen to. I am pretty sure she can talk faster than anyone I know.

Oh little Caden, where do I begin with this crazy little guy. He keeps me on my toes so I can only imagine how much he keeps his parents running. I think it is safe to say he will be the crazy one out of these 3 cuties, but he makes me laugh and smile the most! There is just something so dang cute about his little personality.

Last, but definitely not least is chubbers Braden. Holy Smokes this boy is a little chunk. He is so mild mannered and just chill. I can't say I have had the pleasure to see him smile much, he seems pretty serious to me, but he is so cute!!! How can you not want to squeeze those little chubby cheeks.

This has turned into to being a ritual at pictures with Jaden. She loves to throw up leaves, flowers, pretty much whatever she can at sessions. I kind of love it because over the years she will have a cute growth chart to look at. Hopefully she will never grow out of her love of taking these pictures!

Jaden is such a big helper with her brothers. She is one amazing little girl and I am sure Chris and Niki find so much joy in what a good big sister she is.

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