Monday, May 9, 2011

How A Year Flies By

I met the Perez family almost a year ago when David Jr. was first born. I cannot believe how much David's personality has developed over this year. I remember just back in November we were jumping circles trying to just get one little smile out of him, and now every picture he was nothing but smiles. Both of their kids are so sweet and enjoyable to be around.

Delainie is so mature for a 4 year old. Her vocabulary is so advanced and it cracks me up. When we first arrived at the location Delainie hops out of the car and tells me, "look at all my jewelry!" I told her I loved it and I love jewelry too. I then went on to show her my jewelry and her response was, "wow, those are absolutely beautiful!" I am still laughing about how mature her mannerisms are!

David's easy going personality is still in full affect (I think he takes after his daddy)! He is the most mild mannered little boy I have ever seen. I don't think I have seen him get mad since his newborn pictures. His toothy grin will melt your heart away!

I could not have asked for a more perfect setting and better shoot (well, if I didn't have to bring my kids along to stress me out).

This picture was taken right before the death of David's sock monkey! For whatever reason, David was not wanting his monkey to be on that chair with him! He kept hitting it against the ground as hard as he could! We were all in hysterics!

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