Monday, April 23, 2012

"I Will Do Anything Just To Make You Smile"

I believe it has been a year since I last saw Miles and I can't believe how much he has grown up. He has turned into quite a good looking little man. He loves the outdoors and all the freedom that comes with exploring this large world. I tried so many things during our time together to make him smile for me, but he was just too interested in all that nature has to offer to even pay the slightest bit of attention to me. I fell in love with his seriousness and eagerness to pretend I was not there. He loved making me work for those priceless smiles he so rarely gave during our time together. But when the smile did come I felt like dropping my camera and jumping for joy. His smile is one that makes your heart melt, and a feeling of complete happiness overflow you. I found myself a number of times dropping my camera and just observing him, trying to figure out what he was thinking about. He is such a complex little guy and so young to have such a mysteriousness to him. I could literally sit at the park and watch him for hours. I think at one point I spent a good 15 minutes straight just watching him as he realized that he could go up and down the play equipment stairs with no hands. You could actually see the accomplishment he felt overcoming this minor obstacle in his life. I think he felt superior knowing it was scaring his parents that he refused to use the bar for safety. My time with Miles really made me realize how I so easily let life's distractions become so overpowering in my life, and at times I really just need to ignore all the extra noise and focus on what gives me the biggest sense of fullfillment regardless of what everyone else wants me to be doing. Thank you Miles for teaching me it is ok to tune everything out around me for a time being and focus on me. I never knew a two year old could have such wisdom for me. I wish you the best 2nd birthday ever and may your two's be filled with more wisdom and knowledge! Happy Birthday Miles!

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