Friday, September 13, 2013

Downtown Engagement: Mike + Megan

I have always felt friendship before dating results in long lasting relationships. Mike and Megan met back in highschool and remained friends for the rest of their highschool and through some of their college years, but it wasn't until September 2009 that they reconnected and remained faithful to keeping in touch. By 2011 they began their dating journey and finally in 2013 Mike popped the question. They both have been so happy and excited to finally seal the deal this November.

I met Mike and Megan a few months ago and really fell in love with them. They have great personalities and I feel so comfortable with them. We started our session at Mill Creek Park with their absolutely adorable bull dog, Tank. I seriously want to steal him! He was so excited to be at the park that we had just a tiny problem keeping his attention long enough to take pictures so he only was able to debut for a shot or two. My favorite part of our session was talking to both Mike and Megan and learning about them. They both are amazing people and look great in front of the camera too. I am really excited to capture their wedding day in just a few months. I'm sure this wedding will be unforgettable!

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