Monday, November 14, 2011

"Caught in the moment: Christmas session"

Connie & Ryan have been one of my most favorite clients of all time. When they walk in front of my lens, my work is so effortless. There is something so magical about these two that shines in literally every single picture I take of them. I always laugh because the more I tell them what to do the more awkward it becomes so I have to literally tell them to do whatever they want and I will just snap as I see fit. Talk about making my job the easiest job ever. My favorite favorite favorite pictures are caught in the moment pictures, and with this couple that's all I get from them, which makes it so hard to pick my favorites for a preview.

Connie and Ryan just celebrated their one year anniversary. I can't believe how quick this last year has flown by. I am hoping it won't be too long before I hear from them that I will be doing maternity pictures. I know it's wishful thinking for now, but it still gives me something to look forward to in the future.

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