Daniel and Jennifer, it was such a pleasure to see you guys again. Your family is so beautiful and so enjoyable to get to know. Josephine is absolutely precious and I look forward to watching her grow!

Josephine has some of the most hysterical faces she likes to make at you! Here was one of the many she made for me!

She is one very loved little girl

Of course bubbles were the "it" item for her at the park! What kid doesn't love bubbles, though!

Oh My Gosh so I had this brilliant idea for Daniel and Jennifer to take Josephine for a walk along the bike path and play "one, two, three, lift". I think after the 20th time of them doing this with Josephine they weren't too thrilled with my idea anymore. She did not want to stop!!!! But at least it made for some great pictures.

Miss Josephine finished our time off with a huge kiss she sent me from behind the tree (right before a meltdown of course). She is so adorable!

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