Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Third Time's A Charm"

I have had to reschedule other appointments before due to bad weather, but Courtney is an all time first. We have rescheduled her family portraits not once, but three times since December due to rain. I was just beginning to think that there was some sort of curse on her portraits and me being the photographer for them when a streak of good weather finally hit Bakersfield. I quickly contacted Courtney to finally get her family portraits scheduled. Saturday morning I woke up to ugly skies once again. I thought to myself you have got to be kidding me. There is no way I can reschedule this appointment again. Luckily the clouds parted just enough to finally allow us to do her family portraits...only 3 months late!

Courtney and Chad are so easy to work with. Every time I have an appointment with them I walk away wishing all appointments were this easy.

Their daughter Dava is the most photogenic girl I think I have ever met, and she loves taking pictures. I seriously could take her out for an entire day and never get bored photographing her, not too mention I don't think she is even capable of taking a "bad picture".

Braxston, their son, has a mind of his own. He has so much spunk to him. I believe it has been well over a year since I last saw Braxston, and he has grown up so much. He hopped out of the car with his little skinny jeans and polo shirt and yelled, "Valerie!" I was shocked! Braxston has never liked having his picture taken by me; so when I heard him, I was excited to have a first with him. He was going to love it this time around. Well, I was wrong. Once again as soon as we were ready to take our first picture he was mad and didn't want to. It took some consoling on everyone's part, and of course a red wagon bribe, but he finally came around. I actually think it was his happiest appointment to date!

Braxston was hell bent on pulling his big sister around in the red wagon. After a few strenuous tries though he realized it would be much more fun to let Dava pull him around.

I absolutely love the dynamic between Dava and Braxston. You can totally tell he loves her to death. She did an awesome job entertaining him for the hour in the orchards, makes me wish she was my older sister.

Little Stud!

1 comment:

Amanda Turnbaugh said...

it's amazing to watch all the families through the years, I love the descriptions too :)