Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wedding: Noriega House

Friday afternoon was an absolute beautiful day. We arrived at the Noriega house early like we usually do to check things out before we started. We were in complete awe with not only how beautifully decorated the place was but that the bride was completely ready, sitting, and waiting for us to start pictures. Nicole looked absolutely stunning. She had that simple elegance about her! I could feel my excitement build for the groom to see her for the first time. How could he not be totally breath taken by her!

Justin and Nicole have been together for what seems like forever and this day couldn't have been a more perfect day for them. They have such a comfortable presences with each other that only years of relationship can bring, yet I'm sure they both will tell you that when they saw each other on Friday it felt like the beginning for them.

I just love the elegance of these traditional pictures. They are pictures I could see their grandkids hanging in their house when they get married!

While I was capturing those pictures, Andrea caught this amazing side view shot!

The ceremony was short and simple, exactly like the entire day went! I love how you can see the awe in Nicole and the happiness in her dad!

I absolutely love love love this picture! It shows a strength to me, and Nicole looks GORGEOUS!

Ok, so these photos just look so old fashioned to me! And yes another great side shot by Andrea!

Did I mention I love my assistant? She does a fantastic job at capturing these special moments for the bride and groom that I am not able to capture.
I see such a strength in their relationship through these photos, or is it that Justin just looks really good having this gorgeous bride on his shoulder!

Their first dance was beautiful!

So I had to throw this picture in. I took it during the father daughter dance and for whatever reason fell completely in love with it! I guess it has to do with my love for detail shots, they are so simple yet can tell such big stories.

The whole cake area was gorgeous! I loved how there was a chandelier hanging over the cake.

I wanted to end on this next picture because I had so much fun with the whole bridal party and wanted to show them love. Candid shots are my favorite pictures, they draw you in, making you feel completely part of the moment! Thanks Nicole and Justin for sharing your moment with me!

1 comment:

Amanda Turnbaugh said...

awww congrats to Justin & Nicole :) I love the "strength" picture