Friday, October 15, 2010

Welcome Home!

There's a point in time when everything finally seems like it is falling into place. You have worked hard and finally get to reap the fruits of your hard labor, endless tears, and exhausting life.

This is so true for Desiree! Everything seems to just be falling into place right now for her. After spending many years crammed into small living spaces, she finally is able to provide a new home for her daughters and herself to share. Purchasing a home is one of the most exciting times in your life. It is such an amazing accomplishment alone; but for Desiree, that of course isn't enough! After long hours of studying and many sleepless nights she is finally going to be graduating nursing school. How astonishing! She definitely goes down in my book as someone to applaud!

When I pulled up to her new home yesterday, she introduced herself with the biggest smile on her face. You can see what an amazing time this is in her life. What an inspiration! I was so fortunate to document this special time for them!

For sale? I don't think so, this is mine now! Desiree and her girls couldn't wait to take their sign down, finally a house of their own!

The girls stop for a photo op before entering their new home!

OK, so I had to throw these next two pictures in. The girls were hilarious! Ariana had the best faces and her little sister, Ella, definitely is following in her footsteps. They were the sweetest girls and too cute!

Ariana is so excited to finally have her own room! You can see the excitement! Now she has privacy to do her favorite on the phone! "Who me?"

Ella just loves her room! She has a walk in closet and loves being able to look out into the front yard!

Jumping for joy, we finally have our home!

What a great way to say goodbye to this wonderful day! These girls make this home so inviting! Congratulations girls! I wish you many years of happiness in this house you can finally call your own home!

1 comment:

Amanda Turnbaugh said...

what a great moment to capture!