Thursday, April 28, 2011

"I Finally Did It!"

Congratulations on your graduation,

Opening a door not easily reached!

Now go through it: on the other side

Great mountains become hills, and then just fields

Rolling eastward towards a rising sun.

All now is success and celebration,

The music of deeds done and barriers breached.

Underneath, uncertainties still glide

Lean and hungry as the sweet day yields,

And golden moments through your fingers run.

The rock on which you stand is your creation,

Illustrating what your teachers preached

Of learning and the provenance of pride.

Nor need you fear the wind, as knowledge shields

Such as earn it from what storms may come.

Tonya has finally finished her schooling. What an awesome accomplishment to know that in one short month she will be walking across the stage to receive her Master's Degree. All the hardwork, sleepless nights, frustrations, and all night study sessions are almost over with and all that lies before her are the fruits of her hardwork!

Congratulations, Tonya! I wish you all the best in your new journey in life!

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