This past weekend both my sessions were with new clients, talk about stress being at an all time high for me. I was driving from Lake Isabella Sunday morning so of course I allowed more than enough time to arrive at my appointment on time. That was a mistake! It allowed me to sit there and stress myself out even more! So when Wendy pulled up I wanted to run to the bathroom and hide, but instead I got out of the car, walked up, and introduced myself. She looked so familiar, but I couldn't pin point where I knew her from. I told her how familiar she looked, and she said, "well that's because we were all in a wedding you photographed last year". Instantly, I felt my nerves calm and my head get screwed back on! Thank goodness it's someone I relatively know.
When we walked down to the river I asked her kids their names and told them I would do my best to remember them! The girls started . . . Lauryn, Taylor, . . . and then we came to the boys (I prefer to call them punks) . . . Brock and Brady! They switched names on me, you think it wouldn't be a big deal, but seriously this time of year I am lucky to remember one name let alone six! The boys set the tone then and there. I knew exactly what this family was about, and I loved it! Inside I screamed, "YAY"! I can be myself and play around with them. It was so much fun to use more adult humor. I am so used to being around young kids so I definitely had a blast being a brat right back to them. It wasn't just the boys though . . . Lauryn (the 9 yr. old) was hilarious. The things that came out of this little girls mouth had me rolling! Thanks guys for taking the panic out of me, and allowing me to relax and enjoy our time together! I had such a great time with all of you!

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