Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am so happy to say, I finally have a website. I was so excited when I googled my name and I was already on google. I spent so many hours trying to make every little detail my own, and the biggest headache was figuring out how to get google to pick me up. When it is all said and done though, I am so glad I pushed through and figured everything out. Every minute of yelling at my computer, every lost hour of sleep, every missed event this weekend was all worth it. The satisfaction I felt seeing my name on google was a very unfamiliar feeling for me. I felt like someone important, I finally was someone! I am a star now! I'm just kidding I don't think that highly of myself, but I do have to say it was a good feeling seeing my name there and knowing I actually did everything right. I guess you would have to know what all I went through this weekend trying to get it up, to really understand my feelings of glory.

When I started my business two years ago, I never in a million years thought I would be where I am today. I just knew this was a passion and if I did it just to make enough money to buy bigger and better equipment, then I was perfectly happy (I wouldn't tell my husband that though). It is because of all the support I have from my friends, family, and friendships I have made through my clients that have gotten me where I am today. I really appreciate you all and look forward to years of friendship.

I still have little tweaks I need to do to my site, (like get a new picture of myself, my husband had a fit when he saw it was a picture with him in it) but those will come over time. When you have a minute you will have to go check it out. If you enter the full screen window, you have the option of viewing the galleries pictures large or small. Have fun! I look forward to hearing what you think!



Jessica G. said...

I smiled and then googled you when you said you googled yourself! Your website looks fantastic. Did you build it yourself? All the time and energy you put into making it just right paid off. I especially like the "thank you" you put on there. It is really sweet.

Valerie Mitchell Photography said...

Thanks Jessica! I had a fully customizable template. I thought template, ohh easy...I was wrong. Should have known that customizable meant you pretty much built it yourself :-) I wish I could build it completely on my own, but that will come one day I assume. I'm just glad to finally have something up!

Jocelyn Lykins said...

Your website looks great! I sat down and looked through the whole thing!