So we started our decorating season off with this awesome gingerbread house. We definitely did not schedule enough time to make it as well as the kids wanted, but we were very pleased with the outcome of it!

When daddy came home from work we decorated the Christmas tree as a family. The kids had a blast this year, and I don't think there was another branch left to put balls on by the end of decorating. The kids definitely gave us what we like to call a "Griswold Family Tree".

The Thursday before winter break Kate had a class party that I got to go participate in. It was a blast! All the kids were so loaded on sugar I don't know how her teacher was able to get them all delivered to their parents by the end of the day!

Friday was Evan's Christmas party. When we got there we got to listen to the kids story time, eat and then all the kids showed us the songs they sing each day. It was so cute watching Evan with all of his friends.

This is Ms. Marge, Evan's favorite teacher in the whole world. She passed her job onto a new amazing teacher, but Evan misses her dearly and was so excited she came to the party!

Our next event was a Christmas program at the church we attend. The kids sang a few songs on stage for everyone before the play. They were so cute. Evan definitely enjoys being in front of people way more than Kate does, but of course I thought they both did great and were the cutest kids up there!

Next my family came to our house to have Christmas. Since all the roads to their house had been closed all week, we had to do Christmas the day before Christmas Eve and it wasn't what we had planned. We all still made the best of it and enjoyed being in the company of family. The kids were digging how spoiled they were getting by everyone! Let's just say we need to upsize our house immediately!

Christmas Eve day we spent the morning time with my parents before they traveled home and then later in the afternoon the kids finally talked us into opening all the presents under the tree. We are such push overs I'm surprised they didn't talk us into it a week before Christmas. They were so excited about everything, but Evan is definitely the most animated with presents. I think you could buy him a sock and he would still act excited. Definitely fun to watch!

After presents the kids tested out all their new toys and gear. They let me take a few pictures but were not willing to do much for me.

Christmas morning we all slept in and then Santa had come during the night so the kids opened their presents from Santa. They are so fun to watch because they get so excited about how Santa knew everything they wanted.

We hope everyone was able to spend as much time with family as we did, and enjoy the cheer and happiness this season brings! We wish you all a very happy and safe New Year!